Let us all face it. First impressions are important, especially in business.

Nail your first impression, and you are halfway towards a deal. Get it wrong, and all you have are consequences.

Trade shows are the speed dating of business. You have a small window of time to make a valuable first impression with potential customers and other industry leaders.

If you’re a growing business looking to nail your next list of trade show events or conferences, we have a few tips on how to create exhibits that make a great first impression and tie in your brand’s message.

Why Is It Important to Have a Booth for Trade Show Events?

The value of having an exhibit booth at trade shows is undoubtedly essential to a small business. It provides an opportunity to reach new customers, industry leaders, and potential distributors.

It is an excellent space to grow your brand awareness in your industry and share your unique selling point with individuals who may otherwise not get a chance to see your business. It can position your company as a hot new product in your industry.

Trade show events provide a space to show off your brand-new products and receive valuable feedback from the marketplace. While having an exhibit booth is essential for your business, it can’t merely be an afterthought.

Establishing a lasting impression is invaluable for the future success of your product line and your business. Here are a few ways to stand out at your next event.

Tell a Story

People do not fall in love with products. They fall in love with the way products make them feel. Now, it is silly to think that products create feelings on their own. Even great products need a story or experience. Consider the following examples:

  • Geico uses a tiny gecko to help you remember their unique selling proposition. Do you remember it?
  • Mac tells the story of two types of people. Are you a “Mac,” or are you a “PC”? Buyers choose.
  • If you grew up in the 80s, you might recall a popular cereal that even “Mikey” likes.

Call these clever marketing ploys, but they are great stories that help make a brand more memorable. According to MarketSmiths, if people love a brand’s story, 55% are more likely to buy your product later, 44% may share your brand’s story, and 15% will buy your product on the spot.

Tell a story with your exhibit booth, and you could be on your way to establishing brand awareness with a brand-new audience.

Make Your Booth Interactive

While not all products lend themselves to being interactive, exhibit booths with interactive features make a great first impression and are more memorable.

If your interactive booth can tie in with your brand’s message, all the better. Consider the example of Lego, an iconic brand with a simple mission: to create the builders of tomorrow.

With this motto, it is easy to see how Lego would create an exhibit booth. How can you tie in your booth’s interactive elements with your brand message?

Need Help with Your Trade Show Event Management?

If you are looking for Exhibition & Trade Show Management for your next trade show event, consider using a company with a track record of helping businesses align their booth with their brand message.

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